Comparative Study: Abortion Within the Framework of Indonesian Criminal Law
Abortion, Human Rights, Lex Posteriori Derogat Legi Priori, Provocatus Medicalis, Medical EmergenciesAbstract
The main objective of this research is to investigate the juridical review of abortion by considering Law No.36 of 2009, the Criminal Code (KUHP), and to examine the relationship between the KUHP and Law No.36 of 2009. In addition, this study also aims to compare the views or perspectives on abortion between Law No.36/2009 on Health regulations, the Criminal Code, and human rights. The approach used in this research is a juridical analysis approach, which requires researchers to in detail analyze the legal aspects related to abortion. The rules discussed in this study consist of Law No.36 of 2009 which allows abortion under certain conditions, while the Criminal Code and Human Rights prohibit abortion. In addressing the differences, the study notes that the principle of lex posteriori derogat legi priori is used to mediate the conflict of laws. This principle states that newer laws override older laws. As a result, a new notion of abortion regulation emerged, namely in medical emergencies, called provocatus medicalis. Furthermore, the study highlights the different views on abortion from the perspectives of Law No.36/2009 on Health regulations, the Criminal Code, and human rights. Although Law No.36/2009 allows for abortion under certain circumstances, the Criminal Code and Human Rights still prohibit abortion and consider it a violation of human rights.
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Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan.